The Universe Speaks...Or Does It?

It is not uncommon to hear people talk about how the universe speaks to them and brings things together for their betterment. For instance: “Dreams are the messages that the Universe sends us.” “The Universe Speaks, Are You Listening? 111 High-Vibrational Oracle Messages on Love, Healing, and Existence to Unlock Your Inner Light.” And so forth. 

My question is, which universe is sending dreams and acting for their benefit because the only universe I see is hardly on our side; it is certainly not our friend, much less our guide? What it is, is vast beyond imagining, utterly impersonal, implacably dangerous and terrifying, so I am not sure how it qualifies as a beneficent power.

Certainly, it is also beautiful, from a safe distance, but it is not a  beauty capable of being tamed. In other words, the universe doesn’t exist for us. We live in a tiny biosphere, the habitable sliver of a planet. Everything outside of this is a vacuum, unfiltered solar radiation and destructive forces having nothing to sustain life (as we know it, and the life we live and know is the only life we know – despite unproven claims that we can’t be the only sentient life in the universe).

If the universe does speak to us, I’m not sure we want to hear what it is saying. Its message is not spiritual, nor beneficial, because the universe is not personal - it is mute and blind to humanity's needs and aspirations. One could reasonably argue it is cruel in regard to us.

If the universe does speak to us, it is only because it is the magnificent creation of a being far beyond human comprehension. Psalm 19.1-4 states that the heavens, the universe, speak, declaring the handiwork of God’s glory.  In this sense it does speak; there is no voice and yet there is because the heavens are a declaration of something – of someone. In this, the universe speaks. 

“The heavens are telling the glory of God;
    and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours forth speech,
    and night to night declares knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words;
    their voice is not heard;
yet their voice goes out through all the earth,
    and their words to the end of the world.”